Think Green & Save Blue

About Ourselves

 We call ourselves as "Jal Musketeers" and our battle cry is "All for Water & Water for All"

 We are a revolution to manage the precious resource on earth i.e."Water"

 Our organization name Blue & Green' itself symbolizes Blue Water & Green Environment and the colour defines who we are, i.e.

 Blue : for Calm, Honest, Trustworthy, Logical & Caring.

 Green: for Youthfulness, Refreshment, Organic, Growth & Action.

  In the journey of close to 30 years of being in water sector, we have gained rich experience & knowledge & have trained & created ‘Water Managers’ for tomorrow.

 Vision :
 -   To become a world class solution provider and preferred partner in the field of water & environment by 2020.

 -   To provide integrated water, wastewater treatment & innovative engineering solutions.
 -   To give strong technical guidance.
 -   To provide top most quality & accelerated service.
 -   To promote green technologies.
 -   To fight water scarcities by promoting recycle & reuse.

 -   Unbiased solutions.
 -   Demonstrate passion.
 -   Create water & environment managers.
 -   Protection of water & environment.

Quality Policy

 Environmental friendly designs.

 Optimization of processes with respect to natural and other resources.

 Choosing green technologies and creating awareness of these technologies.

 Innovation and enhancing competence.

 Fulfilling customer commitments with respect to deliveries and performance.

Environmental Policy

BGS recognizes importance of environmental protection and is committed to operate its business responsibly. We commit ourselves to;

 Minimizing environmental impacts by conservation of natural resources, minimizing waste in all forms.

 Continual improvement in processes and activities in order to minimize the impact on environment and to the prevention of pollution.

 Compliance with all applicable statutory and other requirements

 Promoting concept of 5 R’s – Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Recover & Rethink

 Communicating our Environmental Policy to all those who are working for and on behalf of the organization and to the public.

Occupational, Health & Safety Policy

We, at BGS attach highest priority to Occupational Health and Safety and has adopted as an integral part of our business policy. We are committed to;

 Reduce the risk to health of our employees, workers, and stakeholders by ensuring;

 A culture which recognizes the importance of safety and health at work place.

 Adherence to safety norms laid down by the organization.

 Prevention of injury and ill health to personnel associated with processes and loss to property.

 Facilitating participation of employees and associates in OHSAS activities.

 Compliance to all Legal and other requirements applicable for the Occupational Health and Safety.

 Continually improve performance in Occupational Health and Safety.